Recurring Payments

Do not use both Recurring Invoices and Recurring Payments with the same invoice.

Invoices can have Recurring Payments added to the client’s initial invoice payment. This provides a way for you to automatically bill and receive payment for those invoices. The Recurring Payment will be the full invoice total. Also, any prior payments or deposits will be accounted for, so a unique set of payment terms can be set. The Stripe add-on also fully supports the Recurring Payment feature. 

  • Only Stripe and PayPal are compatible with subscription payments.
  • Similar to Recurring Invoices, an invoice will be created on the same schedule as the Recurring Payment. This means that when a payment is made, an invoice is created (via cloning of the original) and marked as paid. 
    • Note: the subscription will be validated via the payment gateway's API to make sure the subscription is active before an invoice is created.
  • The Recurring Payment total is defined by the invoice total. 
  • The start date is the date the client makes their first payment, which would create the subscription.
  • If the Recurring Payment needs to be cancelled early, it must be done within the payment gateway  (i.e. Stripe or PayPal).
  • If the Recurring Payment needs to be modified (e.g. total needs adjustment) it must be done within the payment gateway (i.e. Stripe or PayPal)
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