Getting Started
If you're new to Sprout Invoices, start here!
- Payment Settings
- Getting Started with Sprout Invoices
- Install and Activate Plugins/Add-ons
- Troubleshooting Importing
- Custom States and Countries
- Translating Sprout Invoices via Localization (l10n)
- Recurring Invoice, and Recurring Payments, and Sprout Billings Clarification
- Edit Notification Templates
- Create and Send Your First Invoice
- Can I Upgrade My License?
- Two Plugins
- Finding your PayPal API Credentials
- Upgrading to New PDF Service
- Troubleshooting: Too Many Redirects After Installation
- Project Panorama Integration
- Screen Options
- Translating Strings in Sprout Invoices
- Change Taxes to GST
- Change the default Currency Formatting
- Reset Sprout Account Password