Install and Activate Plugins/Add-ons

The free version of Sprout Invoices is installed from the WordPress store. The paid version is installed from following the steps below.

Downloading, Uploading, and Activating the Pro Version

  1. Download plugins by navigating to your Sprout Apps Account Page. This downloads a .zip file to your computer.
    1. Some OSs will automatically unzip the file (i.e. OS X), if this happens option-click the folder and “compress” it back to a zip file.
  2. Go toWordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New to Upload the new plugin
  3. Click Upload Plugin at the top
  4. Click Choose File and select the .zip file you downloaded in step 1. Select Choose
  5. Click Install Now
  6. Activate the plugin after upload

If Unable to Upload

Some hosts will limit the file size so low (i.e. ~2mb) that installing plugins/add-ons through the admin is impossible. If you have these issues you have two options:

  1. Talk to your host about increasing your upload limits
  2. Upload the unzipped plugins/add-ons via FTP
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