Zapier Integration

Zapier integrates with hundreds of online apps. 

1) Use our Zap

Here’s an invitation link to use our Zap since it’s still in the review process.

2) "Make a new Zap".

3) Select the trigger.

In the search bar you can search and select Sprout Invoices.  

4) On the right side you can chose an event.

5) Then click the continue at the bottom or account across the top and click the "Choose" button

6) This will ask you to add a new account and you should see the below popup. 

7) Make sure the Zapier add-on is enabled in your Sprout Invoices settings on your website. 

Then you click on edit settings and it will take you to your Zapier settings. It should look like something like the below image. 

Add the Sprout Invoices Zapier data to the Popup from earlier and hit save

8) You have successfully set up Zapier with Sprout Invoices.

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