Customizing the Default Theme with a Lite Background

You may need a lighter theme if the default theme is a bit too dark or too color specific for your branding. No worries –  it’s easy to add a custom style sheet to Sprout Invoices.

The CSS embedded below is in case you already have a custom style sheet setup; however, if you don’t, here are the steps to add your new custom style sheet. 

  1.  Download the CSS below (here’s a handy link) and unzip the file if needed. The file sprout-invoices.css is what you’ll need.

  2. Move that file (sprout-invoices.css) to your (child) theme to be in a folder named “sa_templates.” If that folder doesn’t exist, you’ll need to create it and then put your file into it. 
  3. Once the file is added to that folder, Sprout Invoices will automatically use it alongside the theme’s main style sheet(s). 

For more details on custom stylesheets, including a way to add a separate stylesheet for each estimates and invoices, please read the  customization documentation.

The result should look something like this:

For more details on customizing templates, including a way to add a separate style sheet for each estimate and invoice, please read the customization documentation

If you are still having trouble with additional customization, please contact support

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