Code Snippets
More advanced ways to customize Sprout Invoices. Its easier than it sounds!
- Modify the PDF File Name
- Force SSL on Invoice Pages
- Modify Default Column Values (Rate)
- Prevent Redirection Away from Admin for Clients
- Customize Invoice ID based on Sequence and Prefix
- Adding a Phone Number to a Client Record
- Create an Estimate via the API
- Change Default Signature Required
- Add CSS to the PDF Generated Invoice
- Default Tax Rates (CA Tax Add-on Example)
- Creating a Sprout Invoice Manually
- Get User's Invoices and Estimates
- Adding Additional Columns to the Invoice admin
- Avada Theme Support
- URLs based on Doc ID
- Automatically Send Invoice after it's Auto Generated
- Custom States and Countries for Sprout Invoices
- Changing Invoice/Estimate Name
- Set Payment Reminders to Two Days After Due Date
- Creating a Payment - Sprout Invoices